Tensegrity Medicine

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What is tensegrity Medicine?

This unique form of therapy derives its inclusive foundation from the latest research related to connective tissue science, neuroscience, trauma informed care, and psychoneuroimmunology.  These concepts are relationally incorporated as a way to make sense of presenting adaptive global patterns which may be impacting health and wellness

Along with physical injury or disease processes, an individual’s perceptions and responses to life’s challenges contribute to health and functioning.  Therefore, a comprehensive holistic evaluation and treatment process is necessary-one that incorporates the  physical, emotional, and perceptual history and experiences of an individual, along with lifestyle stressors, coping mechanisms, and belief systems  

This comprehensive lens of viewing helps the therapist to establish comprehensive treatments that addresses the whole person

Dialoguing about the origin and the perpetuation of  patterns is interwoven into physical treatments, offering alternative perceptual strategies and movement patterns that allow healthier lifestyle habits and self agency

The Tensegrity Medicine™ therapist utilizes a number of innovative light touch techniques, based on the latest science of the nervous and connective tissue system.  These approaches target the abnormal tension patterns which hinder optimal  joint, muscle, ligament, tendon, or nerve functioning  

During hands on and movement therapy, an emphasis is placed on heightening the client’s interoceptive awareness of their holding patterns, as well as other sensations that may arise during the session.  Often these connections become a basis of inquiry in inviting tensional patterns to shift and expand.  Some patterns may  hold an emotional charge, memory, or corresponding belief pattern, which when witnessed  and explored in a supportive safe environment, allowing for transmutation

Movement re-education is incorporated during and after  sessions as a means to integrate change and facilitate global integration.  Exploration of new movement and postural patterns, habits, and alternative lifestyle choices, ensures lasting results that promote overall health and well-being